Our Investments

We hold majority and minority investments in a number of adjacent businesses that complement our core business.

We have founded, managed, led and held various Executive and Non-Executive positions in a number of successful exits including Teledata (sold to Scottish Telecom), AboveNet (sold to Zayo), iomart (floated on LSE:AIM), DVDs365 (sold to LoveFilm, then Amazon), HitDynamics (sold to Hitwise, then Experian plc), Cupid (floated on LSE:AIM), Immotion Group (floated on LSE:AIM), Digitalbox Group (floated on LSE:AIM) and Maxymiser (sold to Oracle). In addition to these exits we have a growing early stage (‘Seed’)  investment record – successful exits in Tag-Games, Chilli Connect, SMWS, Design-LED and partial exits in ParsleyBox added to the inevitable small number of failures. Thankfully we learn from successes and failures and are keen to keep learning. Our active portfolio is an exciting list of growing businesses :Bella+Duke, Cloudsoft, LendingCrowd, Lumen Research(Avocet), Gilda&Pearl, LoveElectric, ParsleyBox, Programmai, Firestoke, Pillar and SocialTip.


We are keen to investigate co-investment opportunities with other experienced investors  and teams, especially where the investment opportunity could add value to  our existing business activities.